September 24, 2018
Vancouver Sun article with Maria Hudspith speaking on the draft BC Provincial Pain Strategy
B.C. aims to implement provincial pain strategy: patients' advocate Maria Hudspith says input included initiatives and policies that have worked elsewhere, including Australia, which has a national pain strategy. The British Columbia government is working on a provincial pain strategy that…
August 29, 2018
Social and Interpersonal Dynamics in Pain: We Don’t Suffer Alone | a book recently published featuring the work of many of our members
We are pleased to note that the following book, with one of our BC Pain Research Network members as an editor (Ken Prkachin), has just been published: Vervoort, T., Karos, K., Trost, Z. & Prkachin, K.M. (Eds.) (2018). Social and interpersonal dynamics in pain: We don’t suffer…
August 23, 2018
BC PRN members Paul Yong and Lori Brotto receive MSFHR Reach Awards
Congratulations to BC Pain Research Network members Dr. Paul Yong and Dr. Lori Brotto for receiving Michael Smith Foundation for Health and Research (MSFHR) Reach Awards. MSFHR's Reach Program is designed to facilitate the uptake of health research evidence to inform and/or improve further…
July 23, 2018
Leveraging Patient Experiences to Identify Chronic Pain Research Priorities in Canada
Chronic pain affects more than six million Canadians of all ages, and is most prevalent among women, Indigenous peoples, and older adults. In British Columbia, about 1 million people live with often debilitating chronic pain. It is important to involve chronic pain patients in setting the national…
June 27, 2018
New CIHR Operating Grant Launched Will Fund Pain Intervention Research
In Canada, the dramatic and increasing number of overdoses and deaths related to the use of opioids is a national public health crisis. The Government of Canada is committed to tackling this crisis and has emphasized the need for a strong evidence base through the Canadian Drugs and Substances…
May 4, 2018
Ethical Issues Arising from Causing Children Pain for Clinical and Research Purposes
Prof. Ken Craig recently published a paper examining ethical issues arising from instigation of pain in children for clinical and research purposes. He states that "Unrecognized, inadequately assessed, underestimated and mismanaged children’s pain are widespread problems. The challenges have led…
May 4, 2018
BC Pain Research Network Members Win Pain Sciences Division Award from the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada
Congratulations to BC Pain Research Network Profs. Alex Scott, Kip Kramer, and Ken Craig for their project selected by the Scientific Awards Committee as this year’s recipient of the Pain Science Grant from the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada. Alex is leading the team and will examine the…
April 26, 2018
BC Pain Research Network members Curtis May and Brenda Lau Publish on the Complexity of Chronic Pain Patients
Curtis May who is a medical student and member of the BC Pain Research Network recently published an article with Dr. Vanessa Brcic (UBC Department of Family Practice) and Dr. Brenda Lau (UBC Residency Program Director – Pain Medicine and CHANGEpain) in the Canadian Journal of Pain. The article…
April 17, 2018
BC Pain Research Network Aims to Bolster Pain Research in British Columbia
New Research Network Aims to Bolster Pain Research in British Columbia Vancouver, April 16, 2018 – Researchers from around British Columbia are coming together to expand pain research in the province. Today, Pain BC announced the launch of the BC Pain Research Network, which brings…
April 12, 2018
Congratulations to Angela Heino on completion of her MSN
Congratulations to Angela Heino on completion of her MSN under the supervision of Dr. Colleen Varcoe. Her project is titled "Toward a better understanding of the chronic pain experiences of Indigenous women who experience violence: implications for nursing education, practice and research".